Welcome to the wild world of toddler tantrums – where chaos reigns, and parents are the fearless ringmasters of the circus. Public meltdowns? Oh, they're practically a toddler's version of a red-carpet event.
In this blog, we’ll share the dos and don’ts of dealing with public tantrums, and hopefully make even the most sleep deprived Mumma crack a smile.
- Go with the Flow
Do: Relieve their tired little legs when they demand to be picked up. Trust me, the alternative is not pretty. We recommend the HipSurfer for these challenging times. We've included a few handy hacks for using the HipSurfer as your Handy Toddler Tantrum Toolbelt at the bottom of this article.
Don't: Remind them that they didn't want you to bring the pushchair and that they promised you they'd walk. Meet them in the middle with your HipSurfer, allowing them to catch a lift or walk when they decide one is better than the other, multiple times during a 10-minute period.
- Stay Zen, Not Zany:
Do: Channel your inner zen master. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you've got this.
Don't: Transform into a cartoon character in the middle of the supermarket. While entertaining, it might attract more attention than your toddler's meltdown.
- Distraction Dance Moves:
Do: Bust out your best dance moves or goofy faces. Who knew embarrassing your toddler could be so much fun?
Don't: Attempt a moonwalk in the frozen foods section. You're not Michael Jackson, and slippery floors are not your friend.
- Humour: Your Secret Weapon:
Do: Unleash your inner comedian. A well-timed joke can turn the tantrum stage into a stand-up comedy act.
Don't: Recite your entire comedy routine in the checkout line. Save the punchlines for when the audience is ready.
- Boundary Breakdown:
Do: Establish your boundaries. Think of it as setting the rules for a toddler-friendly game of hide-and-seek.
Don't: Initiate a game of hide-and-seek in the clothing racks. Finding your toddler is one thing, but explaining your game to security is another.
- Strategic Retreats – The Stealth Mode:
Do: Master the art of the tactical retreat. Sometimes, disappearing like a ninja is the best solution.
Don't: Attempt to sneak away with a shopping cart. The clattering sound of runaway carts is not as inconspicuous as you think.
- Celebrity Status:
Do: Treat your toddler like the VIP they are. Offer them choices and let them feel like the star of the show.
Don't: Start taking autograph requests from fellow shoppers. Your toddler's scribbles might not be as valuable as you think.
- Positive Reinforcement:
Do: Shower your little one with praise for good behaviour. A standing ovation might be in order.
Don't: Start an impromptu awards ceremony in the middle of the mall. The Oscars are on a much larger stage.
Parenting is a comedy of errors, and toddler tantrums are the plot twists we never saw coming. These challenging times do pass and remember, in the grand circus of parenting, you're the star performer, at least it feels that way with onlooking eyes.
To make outings easier on you and your toddler, make sure you have a HipSurfer life raft with you. You can then surf the tantrum waves, ease tired legs and provide the skin-to-skin contact that your 'big person' still craves.
How the HipSurfer Can Help
1. Comforting Cuddles on the Go
Ease and Connection: During those moments when the world becomes too much for your little one, a big person cuddle is just what they need. The HipSurfer allows you to offer this nurturing touch when on the move, alleviating the usual strain on your arms or back. Whether you're out shopping or simply strolling, it ensures your toddler can transition into a calm space, when they feel the need to be closer to you.
This closeness is more than physical support; it's about providing an emotional anchor for your child. With the HipSurfer, your little one feels secure and loved, turning tears into smiles and fostering a tranquil environment, no matter where you are.

The Baby Carrier for Back Pain Relief You Can Trust
Choosing the right baby carrier can prevent back pain and muscle strain, making babywearing comfortable and enjoyable. The Hackerlily HipSurfer is an ergonomic, doctor-approved solution that shifts your baby’s weight to your hips, reducing strain on your back and shoulders.