You may have heard that baby-wearing is really beneficial, and boy do we want to soak up all those cuddles and skin on skin while we can. The reality is that sometimes it can be pretty challenging to provide all the cuddles and bonding while there’s a gazillion things to get done around the house and you are sore and exhausted by midday!
In this blog, we are going to share the benefits of baby-wearing but also share how the Hipsurfer provides these benefits by not only being a carrier, but your sanity saviour for the first 3 years of your little one’s life.
- The “Feel Good” Factor – Baby wearing allows for skin-to-skin contact which releases oxytocin, commonly known as “the love hormone.” This connection will naturally strengthen the emotional bond between you and bubs. The HipSurfer makes it easy with four different ways to carry, because let’s face it, your little one can change their mind as many times as you change their nappy!
- Stay Close While on The Go – Being held by you, up close and at eye level creates a feeling of security, fostering trust and confidence. While the HipSurfer has no body harness, you can provide all the arm in arm, skin to skin cuddles that normal carriers can’t do.
- Hop On, Hop Off – babies and toddlers change their mind with the wind. One minute they want cuddles and then next they want to explore. With the HipSurfer, it’s like having a baby Uber service – they can hop on and hop off as they please, no uncomfortable straps to restrict their every move. By responding pronto to your child’s needs, you will build a foundation of trust and strengthen their emotional intelligence.
- Hip-Hooray for Healthy Hips –When you are bonding with your little one, giving them all the support and attention they need, you want to make darn sure their body and hips are in a safe position for healthy development. The HipSurfer isn’t just stylish; it’s doctor-approved ergonomic bliss! Optimal positioning supports healthy hip development, reducing the risk of hip dysplasia while also providing optimum support to hippy babies to sit on. Carry your 0-3 year old, without breaking a sweat – the HipSurfer’s got the weightlifting covered!
- Breastfeeding Bliss – breastfeeding is one of the most intimate ways to connect with your baby. But so often you can feel stressed, strained and exhausted – when all you want to be is fully present in the moment. Whether you are at home or out and about, the HipSurfer is your go-to, ergonomic and super comfy breastfeeding buddy.
- Cuddles on tap – The strap free design of the HipSurfer means you can rock your child to sleep over your shoulder, against your chest or laying down on the HipSurfer with your arms securely around them. You have total freedom to hold them in your preferred position while staying cool, calm, care-free and without strain.
- Multi-tasking Magic – Parenting is a juggling act, but with the HipSurfer, you can conquer the supermarket, sip that coffee before it gets cold and tackle that never-ending laundry mountain – all whilst your mini-me happily comes along for the ride. Let’s be real, it’s not totally hands-free, you do need one arm around your child at all times, but you can get so much more done when you aren’t feeling the weight on your shoulders!
As you can see, at a cost of less than a coffee a day, you can totally nail parenthood in comfort and style, whilst providing the perfect bonding environment for your little one to thrive. What's not to love?
The Baby Carrier for Back Pain Relief You Can Trust
Choosing the right baby carrier can prevent back pain and muscle strain, making babywearing comfortable and enjoyable. The Hackerlily HipSurfer is an ergonomic, doctor-approved solution that shifts your baby’s weight to your hips, reducing strain on your back and shoulders.