Best baby item I ever purchased! Caved and bought this when my daughter was 6 weeks old and cannot be more happy with the HipSurfer, it honestly saved my sore wrists. Our baby loves to contact nap and staying close during the day so this has been the perfect carrier to pop her on while we walk around the house. My husband and I use this every day, and thankful we bought this everytime we use it, especially as baby gets heavier by the week.
The side pockets are super versatile, I carry my phone and house keys when I'm out, or the TV remote when I'm at home. We keep a burp cloth in the large seat storage so we're always ready for any accidents.
It's also proven to be amazing at social gatherings as its easy to pop baby on and off the seat to play or to feed. She's also fallen asleep on this as well as I walk or sway.
Hands down the best thing. Highly recommend!